Many issues affect women specifically. While it is often misdiagnosed as something else, you can spot endometriosis if you have multiple symptoms.
Changes in Behavior
In women with endometriosis, the risk of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and substance abuse is higher. Unfortunately, these can be dismissed as lifestyle problems or coming from somewhere else. However, you may suffer from issues related to your life, and endometriosis can make them worse. For example, your behaviors can become erratic and paranoid, made even worse by substance abuse. But top mental health treatment centers help understand illnesses rather than providing blanket treatments.
Extreme Pain in Your Pelvis
Endometriosis is when your womb tissue grows in other areas. One of the first places this happens is around your reproductive organs and the tissue lining between your pelvis and abdomen. When this happens, it can become excruciating. More often than not, the pain is too much to even do household chores and can be debilitating. Pelvic pain is a common first sign of endometriosis and is often far worse when you are on your period. However, you can also get severe pain and period bleeding when it’s not your time of the month.
Increased Anxiety and Depression
The effects of endometriosis aren’t only physical and can severely affect women’s mental health. For example, an increase in pain sensitivity can cause an increase in your existing anxiety and depression by changing your brain cell and energy development. As a result, you are put in an increased state of misery and mood swings. And in severe cases, you are at an increased risk of severe mood disorders such as bipolar. However, in most cases, depressive moods manifest as the annoying yet much less severe brain fog that causes poor concentration.
Problems are Worse when Menstruating
Many of the issues associated with endometriosis happen later in life. However, they can also begin early. Around 10% of young girls from the age of 15 are misdiagnosed. This is because endometriosis has symptoms common to many other illnesses. Most girls report that their symptoms began when their period started and carried on from there. Endometriosis is typically (but not always) worse when it’s your time of the month. So, if you get severe issues like heavy bleeding, mood swings, and tiredness, it may not just be your period.
Fatigue and Lethargy
Changes in mood, appetite, and poor mental function will take their toll on your body and mind. The brain changes will cause many problems, and lack of sleep will catch up with you. As a result, you can become highly sluggish and exhausted. Suppose you eat well and don’t do drugs. In that case, extreme tiredness (with other symptoms) could be a sign of endometriosis. However, these can also be symptoms of many other illnesses. If you experience these, then schedule an appointment with your GP as soon as you are able, and ask about endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a serious issue, but it shares common symptoms. See your doctor if you experience mental health issues or extreme pelvic pain, whether on or off your period.