There is an unbreakable bond between your online presence and your business brand and the way that you present yourself online is the modern equivalent of a storefront. If you are unable to build a strong brand online, you will struggle to compete. Unfortunately, online brand building can be a struggle because you are up against so many other companies.
When people go online, they have the world at their fingertips and they can immediately connect with thousands of companies all over the world, so how do you make sure that yours is the one that sticks in their mind? Building brand awareness and extending your reach is vital if you want to remain competitive. However, you also need to consider the way that you present yourself and make sure that your brand appeals to the right people, otherwise it will not translate into an increase in sales. If you are finding it hard to juggle all of that, read on to find out some of the most effective ways to strengthen your online business brand.
Invest In SEO
We put a huge amount of trust in the algorithms that determine search engine rankings on Google. In fact, 91.5% of traffic on Google stays on the first page and it’s incredibly rare for people to click through to the second page of results. Even on the first page, most people will click on one of the top 3 links and if you appear below that, you will find it difficult to maintain high levels of traffic on your website. But the mistake that businesses make is that they assume that search engine rankings are all about getting traffic. However, even though traffic is important, ranking well on Google is also about strengthening your brand.
We have a natural assumption that the top results on Google are the most successful, reliable businesses, that’s why they appear at the top. So, if people consistently see your business at the top of the first page of results, they will have a very positive impression of your business and your brand will be stronger, even if they don’t necessarily click on your website at that time. Even if you rely on other methods to drive traffic to your site, it’s still absolutely vital that you invest in search engine optimization (SEO). Getting onto that first page is far more complicated than people realize, so it’s best to hire a professional SEO company (like this one at and have them manage your strategy for you. They will have a deeper understanding of how the algorithms work and what is most likely to get you to that top spot on the search results page.
Use Fewer Social Media Platforms
A lot of people will tell you that you should have a presence on all social media platforms if you want to extend your reach and build a strong brand, but that isn’t always the case and sometimes, less is more when it comes to social media. Different platforms are good for different things and certain platforms may not be doing much to improve your brand because you aren’t connecting with the right people. You also face the issue of spreading yourself too thin so you are trying to maintain 5 different social media pages and doing a poor job with each of them because you don’t have enough time to dedicate to it. You may find that if you cut back and focus on the ones that you are most successful on, you have the time to cultivate a better social media presence and your brand will be stronger as a result.
Focus On Content
Another reason that your social media pages aren’t doing much for your brand is that you aren’t giving people anything of value. It’s important that you try to inject a bit of personality and show people what your business is all about, but if you don’t give them a reason to stop and read your posts, you will start losing followers. That’s why you should always focus on good content, which you can then share on your social media pages.
Creating good content benefits your brand in a few different ways. Firstly, it makes your social media pages more valuable and helps you to improve engagement because people will like and share content. Secondly, it shows people that you are an expert in your sector if you provide informative and entertaining content. By positioning yourself as an authority in your industry, people trust your brand more. It also helps to start a relationship with potential customers because you are giving them something of value without the expectation of payment in return.
When you are creating content, invest in video content because it is far more interesting and it’s a lot more likely to be shared on social media. Good quality video content also makes your business appear more professional, which inspires trust in potential customers. If you are stuck for ideas, check out for some handy tips on generating new content.
As well as sharing content on social media, you should create a blog on your business website. Not only does this drive more traffic to your site, it also improves your search engine rankings and gives you more credibility as a business. If your content is good enough, you will get a lot of engagement and people will share links to your site, which expands your reach and strengthens your online brand in a significant way.
Press Release Marketing
A lot of new businesses underestimate the power of press release marketing and they consider it an old fashioned method that has since been replaced by the likes of social media. However, that isn’t the case and all of the big companies will still use press releases to put out news about their future plans and any developments in the business. People associate press releases with large, well-established businesses, which is exactly why you should be using them. If you put out a press release, it gives your brand a lot of credibility and, in the eyes of the consumer, puts you in the same bracket as your much larger competitors.
The other good thing about press releases is that they may be picked up by news sharing platforms like Google news. If you manage to appear on these platforms, that lends you even more legitimacy and expands your reach in a very big way. The other great thing about press release marketing is that it’s very cheap, so even if you are trying to keep a tight handle on your marketing budget, you can still benefit from this strategy.
Make Offline Connections
People often assume that the offline and online marketing worlds are separate and if you are trying to strengthen your online brand, that can only be achieved through digital marketing methods. However, that’s not true and it’s actually very important that you make offline connections with potential customers if you want to strengthen your online presence. When people already know your brand online and then they come into contact with it offline, it makes it more tangible and shows them that you are willing to invest in a comprehensive marketing strategy. It also gives you an opportunity to build on customer relationships that were initially formed online.
There are a lot of different ways to make offline connections, some of them are tried and tested methods and some of them are relatively new strategies. Simple things like magazine ads or billboards, for example, are a great way to reach out to customers in the offline space. However, you should also think outside the box a bit and consider things like events and pop-up spaces.
Business events are a brilliant way to meet a lot of potential customers in a very short space of time and allow them to experience your business in person. Product launch events are a particularly effective way to bring your online presence to life. People can come and see products that they have previously heard about and seen pictures of and you can use your online channels to promote the event and build a bit of hype around it. People that don’t already know the business online and come into contact with it for the first time at these events will then also find you in the online world once the event is over.
Pop-up events are another popular way to take your brand offline. The limited timespan of these events means that a lot of people are likely to attend, as long as you promote it well. It gives you the opportunity to create an experience that shows people exactly what your brand is all about and supplement your online efforts. Just make sure that you offer something interesting and you don’t just open a retail store for a week.
These are all effective ways to strengthen your online business brand and position yourself as a market leader.