Hi, I’m Amy

Hi, my name is Amy, nice to meet you!

I am a work from home mum of 1 who is passionate about helping female entrepreneurs build their personal brands online, help them take the first step into growing a business they love, quitting the 9-5 and embracing entrepreneurship.

Do you have a business idea or a side hustle you have been thinking about but don’t know where to start?

Don’t worry everyone has to start somewhere. I have created materials, documents, courses and more with my 14 years of experience in the industry. From building your own personal brand (the starting point for everything!), to growing your social media, solidifying your strategy and establishing a growth mindset, I will guide you through from beginner to expert, support you and help you realise your dreams.

Get ready to bring your dreams, ideas, products and services to life. Whatever your industry, whatever your dream…you are welcome here!

Looking to build a real brand, a personal brand that not only do you love but that others relate to as well? Ready to make a real change? Let’s get started!

So, what is a personal brand? Ever looked at an Influencer or Content Creator and you find you’re intrigued by their Instagram feed and captivated about everything they do online. You love everything they stand behind because they are themselves first and you feel as though you know the person first over any product or service they offer. You support them because you like them as a person, you purchase their own courses, presets, and ebooks to support them and you have total faith in their affiliate and influencer marketing products because they show up as themselves first. They open themselves up to their audience and do everything to serve and help their audience. This my friends is a personal brand, a brand centered around the person first and this is one of the greatest ways I believe to build and grow a business online.

We are all unique and we all have a unique voice and gifts to offer the world. By connecting with people and inviting them into your world they are able to feel connected to you on a level more like friendship. Their connection with you, along with your passion to serve and help your audience thrive is the first stepping stone to creating your own personal brand. Start showing up as real and honest as you are able (while still protecting your privacy and the parts of your life you don’t feel comfortable in sharing – it’s totally ok to do this) and you will start making connections.

What I’ve done?

You might be wondering a little about who I am and what I have done in the past, right? 

This project on The Thrive Social is the culmination of 14 years worth of work. I started back in 2006 when I started my very first blog, a very basic one, focused around beauty and I loved it. It was there, behind closed doors, that I really found my first taste of blogging and I have grown it from there. After enjoying a lot of success in the early days of blogging I moved onto Lifestyle blogging a few years later and have been here ever since. 

On a professional level, aside from blogging, I founded my own business and have been working as a freelance Blogger, Writer, Copywriter, Social media manager, and coach ever since. I have worked with small and large brands, have helped small businesses set up their social media strategy, worked on campaigns, and coached entrepreneurs to fulfill their online business goals. Alongside this I have worked in Marketing and Social media management roles within companies too. In 2015 I decided to take the leap in doing this full time and I have been a full time entrepreneur ever since.

After returning from maternity leave I decided that my goals and mindset has shifted and was incredibly excited to shift my business focus. Now I help entrepreneurs, content creators and online influencers develop their personal brand, empower them to reach their goals, coach and help others thrive.

This space is going to be dedicated to that. Here you will find my tips, tricks, coaching (both free and paid), ideas, knowledge and much more, all of which I have gained from 14 years in the industry. 

Thank you so much for being here – I hope you find so much value in the words that I share.