I absolutely live for personal development and recently I have gotten into podcasts in a big way. If you haven’t checked out my blog post about my top audiobooks for entrepreneurs then make sure you go and check that out after you’ve read this post, it has some great authors who are absolutely killing it.

Right, back to podcasts.
For the longest time I didn’t really find myself getting into podcasts even though my husband and a lot of my friends swore they were awesome, I just didn’t think they were for me. But then something flipped a switch and now I love them, isn’t it funny how that works?
I literally start my day with a podcast every single day and I find the inspiration often fires me up to have a great day. Another thing I love about them is how you don’t even need to take time out of your day to listen, you can just pop one on and enjoy listening while you’re getting on with your morning routine. I find I always listen to mine when I get up with my daughter, while I make my coffee and while I make and feed her breakfast. It’s honestly multitasking at its finest.
I have a great list of podcasts that I listen to regularly, so whether you’re working on your big dream or you are just looking for some inspiration to listen to then look no further. Today I have created a list of 3 podcasts you need to start listening to today to get you started into the amazing world of podcasts.
Firstly, if you are looking for a great Podcast platform I recommend Spotify (although I have also used Podbean and enjoyed using that too – I just swapped to Spotify because I already use their premium service).

Jenna Kutcher:
I am a new subscriber to Jenna Kutcher’s Golddigger podcast and I can tell you she has fast become my favourite. I discovered her through another podcast, Ed Mylett, who I will touch on in a minute and I’ve been hooked ever since. Anything and everything you want to know about creating your own online business and being successful is right here; from how to’s about social media through to what you need to know about blogging and beyond. I promise you that you will find something for you. Also, I absolutely love how down to earth she is and how easy her podcasts are to listen to.
Rachel Hollis:
Another newbie to the Rachel Hollis train in the last few months, because I will be honest and say she wasn’t really my bag at first. I don’t know what changed if I am honest but now I really love her Rise podcast (I still need to make time to listen to her two personal development books but I am getting to it). I love her podcast for similar reasons for loving Jenna Kutcher’s podcast in that it’s a lot like hanging out with a friend, she’s so down to earth and she gives incredible advice about how to start your own business, no matter what that business is.
Ed Mylett:
I have found when it comes to audiobooks, paperback books or podcasts I really love listening to other successful women but there is something about Ed Mylett’s podcasts that really draw me in. They are inspiring, they are deep, they are emotional and they have me nodding along with every word. I could honestly listen all day and never get bored.
I hope this has been helpful to some of you out there who haven’t known where to get started with podcasts. There are so many incredible people absolutely killing it in the world of podcasting, so whatever your interests are I am confident you can find someone you love to listen to.
Leave me a comment below with your favourite podcasts that you love to listen to – I would love to check them out!